Monday, June 4, 2012

Letter: Walker needs to walk | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune |

Letter: Walker needs to walk | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune | "I worked for 65 years for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) of which 48 were at the local utility. Many times I was called out in the night when there were storms with lightning and winds, electrical failures, and storm water backups to climb light poles and restore service in our city. I always paid into the Wisconsin retirement fund. How can he cut our benefits with only a one-day notice?"

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Murphy’s Law: Did the State Screw Talgo? | Urban Milwaukee

Murphy’s Law: Did the State Screw Talgo? | Urban Milwaukee: "“What message does this send to other businesses?” Perez asks. “They should be careful of doing business here because Gov Walker does not keep his word. It’s like we’re talking about a Third World country, where people don’t have respect for their contracts.”"

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