John Finkler : Wsj: "Public transportation operators and advocates from throughout Wisconsin will lobby at the state Capitol on Wednesday. They couldn't have picked a better day to visit their legislators. Not coincidentally, Wednesday also is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day.
Former Wisconsin Gov. Gaylord Nelson is the founder of Earth Day. If only Nelson was still governor, public transportation representatives would have a much easier day of lobbying. Public transportation would not only have a friend in high places, it would have a forceful advocate for the environmental-friendly work they do every day.
The 2015-17 state budget proposed by Gov. Scott Walker is 180 degrees opposite from the plan Gov. Nelson would have given the Legislature.
Walker has held down funding of public transportation despite increased demand for it.
The state that gave us the founder of Earth Day can do much better. Making funding for public transportation a priority would be a great place to start.
-- John Finkler, Middleton"
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